Template:H:Local time variables

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Word Example Explanation
{{LOCALDAY}} 19 Displays the local day of the month in numeric form.
{{LOCALDAY2}} 19 Same as {{LOCALDAY}}, but with a leading zero (01 .. 31).
{{LOCALDAYNAME}} Friday Name of the day in the language of the project or English.
{{LOCALDOW}} 5 Same as {{LOCALDAYNAME}}, but as a number (0=Sunday, 1=Monday...).
{{LOCALMONTH}} 04 The number 01 .. 12 of the month.
{{LOCALMONTHABBREV}} Apr Same as {{LOCALMONTH}}, but in abbreviated form as Jan .. Dec.
{{LOCALMONTHNAME}} April Same as {{LOCALMONTH}}, but in named form as January .. December.
{{LOCALTIME}} 05:33 The local time (00:00 .. 23:59).
{{LOCALHOUR}} 05 The local hour (00 .. 23).
{{LOCALWEEK}} 16 Number of the local week (1-53) according to ISO 8601 with no leading zero.
{{LOCALYEAR}} 2024 Returns the local year.
{{LOCALTIMESTAMP}} 20240419053336 ISO 8601 time stamp.

Note to future editors: this page is referenced from help pages so that all references to this table can use the same information so that different help pages that reference this table don't have different information.

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